IHRC: Bakalia Primary School
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On the 7th October 2021, the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in Bangladesh intensified COVID-19 awareness in the District of Chattogram.
The event which took place at Bakalia Primary School, urged pupils and parents to adhere to COVID-19 protocols as a means to curtailing the spread.
Owing to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on jobs and livelihoods, the International Human Rights Commission in Bangladesh Region deemed it fit to support the education of pupils by providing educational materials.
Special Guests of Honour at the event included: Advocate Abul Hashem, Deputy Attorney General Bangladesh; IHRC Commissioner.
Others included:
Adv. Md.Nasiruddin, Additional Public Prosecutor, Chattogram District;
Mr. Ahmed Elius.
President, Bakalia Samaj Kaillan Parishad, Chattogram District.
Presided by:-
Mrs.Shrin Akter.
Head Master,
Bakalia Primary School.
Conducted by:-
Mr. Saiful Mahamud,
Organising Secretary,
Bakalia Samaj kaillan Parishad, Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-chief