"Leadership and Human Rights"
What we do > Actions > Human Rights > Human Rights 2020

In commemoration of the Human rights day, the International Human Rights Commission Cape Verde had a successful event tagged "Leadership and Human rights".
It was a huge pleasure to have Dr. Henrique Varela" as the guest speaker.
It was a profound and insightful time for all the represented institutions, associations and the volunteers of the International Human rights commission Cape Verde.
As part of the events, three lovely books written by the Goodwill Ambassador for International Human rights commission Cape Verde Dr. Zaida Sanches were distributed to certain institutions and associations.
20 of each of these three books were presented to ICCA, 5 to JOCUM and other 5 to Associacao Jardim de Amor é Vida.
Special thanks to Dr. Alcides Oliveira who represented the ECOWAS special representative to Cape Verde Ambassador Samuel Lamptey, Dra. Raquel from the Institute for Children and Adolescents Cape Verde ( ICCA), ADEVIC, JOCUM ( Youths with a mission) Associacao Pilorinho, Associacao Jardim Amor é Vida, Associacao Nós Saude, Special Movement against violence, the Armed forces and many others

Daniel Cardoso Borges got the award of the "Best volunteer of the year 2020" and every volunteer could attest to the fact that he is an exceptional volunteer with a great heart for humanity.
The Special Monitoring Mission of the International Human rights commission Cape Verde ( SMM IHRC) is in Cape Verde to serve Cape Verde by complimenting the good work of Cape Verde and be change agents where necessary.
The international human rights commission Cape Verde is not in competition with any institution, commission or association but rather to make a world of difference in this great nation of Cape Verde.
Congratulations to all our volunteers and to all Human rights bodies accross the globe.
Dr. Princess Adewoyin
National Coordinator ( Cabo Verde) International Human Rights Commission